Thursday, May 31, 2012

Survival Food: A Morale-Booster Lesson From WWII

American tank at Bastogne in WWII. (US Army photo)
American tank at Bastogne (US Army photo)

One reader wondered why hot, tasty food is categorized as a survival item on, and why I claim recipes are a survival tool. Well - that's a really good question! So here is a story from World War II about food and its affect on morale.
by Leon Pantenburg
I am a history nerd, particularly fascinated by World War II. That historical aspect is embedded in my psyche: When I was growing up, it seemed as if every adult male I knew was a WWII veteran.
In my immediate family, my Dad was an infantry captain in both the European and Pacific theaters; my Uncle John Lynch, US Coast Guard, drove landing craft on Iwo Jima and Okinawa; Uncle Harold Lindeman was an MP in the European theater; Uncle Fred Varnum was a baker in the U.S. Army in Europe and Uncle Fredrick Wirth served in the Aleutions. (My uncles Vincent Wirth and Henry Adams served with the U.S. Army in Korea.)
To my frustration, none of these men ever talked about their service!
Read the rest of the WWII morale story.

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