Sunday, May 15, 2011

Healthy Bannock: A Quick, Easy Multi-Grain Survival Food

It only took a little recipe tweaking to make this Bannock recipe healthier!
Bannock is the traditional bread of Canada and the Northwest. Native people had no access to wheat flour prior to the arrival of European traders, although some flour substitutes existed, like wild turnips or corn, dried and ground to a powder.

Bannock actually originated in Scotland. Because bannock could be quickly prepared from readily-available ingredients, and because these ingredients lasted a long time without spoiling, bannock became a staple of European fur traders and subsequently, the native people also.

But the original recipe is nothing but flour and water, and traditional bannock is essentially frontier junk food.

Here’s how to add a few ingredients to make flour-based survival foods more nutritious.

1 comment:

Bill Giles said...

I hesitate to call original bannock "frontier junk food". I will admit that it's just flour and would be pretty starchy, but it's not loaded with sugar, like our modern junk food. On the other hand, I agree with you as far as adding some extras to kick it up a notch. I use quite a bit of flaxseed meal, but I normally store it in the freezer and use it as I need to. I've never noticed flaxseed turning rancid, but that's one of the cautions with it and whole wheat flour. I keep bread flour, unbleached AP flour, graham and rye flour, so a little of this and a little of that would be appropriate. I'll probably throw in a little blackstrap molasses and make pumpernickel bannock. Thanks for the post.